St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
721 Rahway Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083
Tel: (908) 964-7957 / Fax: (908) 964-6875
E-mail: GrStDemetriosUnion@hotmail.com
Reverend Hieromonk Evgenios Tsaramanidis

Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Saints & Feasts

for the video of the
10th Anniversary of the Greek School Library

CLICK HERE to view pictures
from previous events!
CLICK HERE to view pictures of Greek School Letters Day Celebration
CLICK HERE to view pictures of Parish Council Oath Taking
CLICK HERE to view pictures of Anniversary Gala for Met. Apostolos
CLICK HERE to view pictures of Christmas Pageant
CLICK HERE to view pictures of PTO Harvest Festival

Donate to Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
Help support Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church by donating or sharing with your friends.
Parish Activities:
⧫ Prosforo & Artoclasias are available for Parishioners, for more details see Fr Evgenios or the office.
⧫ Monthly Parish Council Meeting 2nd Sunday of every month, after Divine Liturgy. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our community, please contact the Parish Council President.
⧫ Greek Dance Lessons every Sunday starting in September. For more information, please contact Angelo Gergatsoulis:
(201) 893-5720.
Philoptochos News:
⧫ Monthly Philoptochos Meeting, every first Sunday of the month.
Greek School News:
⧫ We would like to thank our PTO for their generous donation of $2000, which was used to purchase must needed new classroom furniture. THANK YOU, PTO!
⧫ Registration forms for the school year 2024-2025 can be found on the table or by CLICKING HERE. For more information contact Mrs. Mata Agriantonis
⧫ Wishing all students and teachers a blessed School Year!
⧫ Please consider volunteering for the upcoming school year, for more information contact Stacey Zervoudis.
⧫ Our school is currently in need of a few classroom items. If you are interested in making a donation,
please contact Kyria Mata for further details.
⧫ This December, we’re celebrating the 10th Anniversary of our beloved children's library, which
opened on December 14, 2014. It has been a cornerstone of learning and imagination for our students. We’re grateful to our librarian, Mrs. Valasia Mouchtidiotou-Georgiou, and the community for their ongoing support of Greek literature. An anniversary celebration will be announced soon.
⧫From K. Mata: Happy and blessed New Year! We wish that the new year brings health, joy, and success to you and your families. We look forward to continuing our collaboration, supporting our children’s Greek education, and strengthening our community. Together, let’s make 2025 a year filled with inspiration, achievements, and happiness.
Sunday School News:
⧫ A big THANK YOU to everyone who already donated to our charity effort! We still need more for St.
Michael's Senior Home: Shampoo 2-in-1 (Suave or Head & Shoulders), Body wash (Dove), Body
lotion (Nivea) - preferred size 16-17oz. Please pledge your donation online at tinyurl.com/SDcharity2024.
⧫ Registration forms the can be found on the table by the office. CLICK HERE for the Sunday School Registration Form. For information, questions, or concerns, please contact our parish liaison, Mrs. Irene Melachrinos.
GOYA News:
⧫ New members welcome! Registration forms can be found on the table by the office. For information, please email stdemetriosgoya.nj@gmail.com or see any of our advisors: Maria Caldara, Maria Frangos, Stephanie Nikitiadis, Irene Papasavvas or Angelo Vrohidis.

Saturday, Feb. 22
Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 9:00am
Sunday, Feb. 23
Judgment Sunday (Meatfare Sunday)
Orthros & Divine Liturgy - 9:00am

CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
Greek School Registration Form.
CLICK HERE to download the Greek School Health Information Form.
CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
Religious Education Registration Form.
CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
PTO Registration Form.
CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
G.O.Y.A. Registration Form,
CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
H.O.P.E. / J.O.Y. Registration Form,
The Benefits of Being Bilingual:
Learning more than one language is an asset to individuals, families, and our entire society. Developing the child’s home language provides the foundation for reading and writing and preparing children to be biliterate. Researchers have found that Individuals who are bilingual switch between two different language systems. Their brains are very active and flexible. There are many benefits to being bilingual and biliterate. (CLICK HERE for more!)
Everyday Conversations in Greek:
The following are suggested conversational areas for everyday practice with your children. When you ask your questions, encourage your children to respond in complete sentences. Learning to speak a language takes daily practice! (CLICK HERE for more!)
*Compiled by Mata Agriantonis

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Help support Saint Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church by donating or sharing with your friends.