St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church
721 Rahway Avenue, Union, New Jersey 07083
Tel: (908) 964-7957 / Fax: (908) 964-6875
E-mail: GrStDemetriosUnion@hotmail.com
Reverend Hieromonk Evgenios Tsaramanidis
Greek School
Greek School Committee
Betty Spiropoulos
Irene Melachrinos
Minas Economidis
Chrysoula Fantaousakis
Greek School Committee Chair:
Mata Agriantonis
Director of the Greek School Library:
Valasia Mouhtidiotou Georgiou
Flora Kaltsounakis-DeGroot
Stephanie Nikitiades
First Grade:
Georgia Soros
Second Grade:
Eva Vasilakis-Mavroudis
Third & Fourth Grade:
Maria Mihalareas
Fifth Grade:
Despina Savvis
Sixth Grade:
CLICK HERE to view pictures of 2024 Greek School Graduation
2025 Greek Letters Day Celebration
CLICK HERE to download the 2024-2025
Greek School Registration Form.
CLICK HERE to download the Greek School Health Information Form.

Greek School News:
We would like to thank our PTO for their generous donation of $2000, which was used to purchase must needed new classroom furniture. THANK YOU, PTO!
Registration forms for the school year 2024-2025 can be found on the table or by CLICKING HERE. For more information contact Mrs. Mata Agriantonis
School Year Blessing/Agiasmos: Sunday, September 8th, after Divine Liturgy.
Wishing all students and teachers a blessed School Year!
Please consider volunteering for the upcoming school year, for more information contact Stacey Zervoudis.
Everyday Conversations in Greek:
The following are suggested conversational areas for everyday practice with your children. When you ask your questions, encourage your children to respond in complete sentences. Learning to speak a language takes daily practice! (CLICK HERE for more!)
*Compiled by Mata Agriantonis